The treatment of the human body, the parasites

Ahead of searching for an answer to the question " how do you get rid of the parasites in the body of the nurse, of course, it is important to know what kind of pathogens helminths are present in the intestine. Worm infestation is common around the world. Folk remedies may not provide the proper medication. To prevent transition to a chronic phase, and in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, parasites elimination of the drugs.

parasites in the body

The treatment of parasites

Parasitic worms are a large number of properties, which allow them to multiply quickly to cause allergies, disease in the walls of the intestines, the search for a new victim and slowly poison the body with the waste in your life. Cleansing parasites you should do as soon as the body is not deprived of any nutrients. The infectious disease physicians to develop a comprehensive treatment that helps cut up the parasites. With the use of certain anti-parasitic activity are taken into account, the following factors can be identified in the diagnosis in the clinic:

  • the duration of the infection;
  • the intensity of the;
  • the frequency of the infection in the tissue;
  • the level of intoxication.

Homeopathy is a method of how to get rid of the worms. This therapy has no side effects, and is not intended for the destruction of worms and the strengthening of protective forces of an organism. For a personal consultation you should ask the homeopaths. How to get rid of the parasites in the body of the medical? The classic treatment of worm infections of the central intensity, a scheme of medical therapy in a 3-phase process:

  1. The human body and all the internal organs are carefully prepared by the process of breeding worms. Along with the medication, binds toxins, take a vegetable oil (linseed, pumpkin).
  2. The main stage – the reception of Anthelmintics. The most effective of them to have a negative impact on the body, but rather to destroy the pathological environment, the creation of intolerable living conditions of the mouth.
  3. Recovery after a powerful medicine. It is important, after a course of rehabilitation of the functions of the digestive system, the creation of the work of the lungs, the liver, and the kidneys, improving the immunity, to normalize metabolism of trace elements and vitamins. To normalize the function of the liver the help of the tools in the composition of the active substance milk thistle.

The cure for parasites in the human body

To date, pharmacists have developed a drug for a medicinal product, which is safe for health, it brings the fire. Another advantage of of medicines from herbal remedies, the ability to give a clear influence on the specific type of worms. De-worming drugs were distributed in two groups: the directional (which has an impact on some groups of helminths and the medicine against parasites a wide spectrum of.

Pills with parasites

Pick up effective pills is the of the parasites that people can only be a doctor. Depending on the type of parasites, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen. The children of pre-school and school-age the most striking pinworms and Giardia, but because the young body is not able to cope with the powerful drugs that are prescribed on the effects, and safe drugs against the parasites in the human body.

the treatment of parasites

Adults are more susceptible to the penetration of the body of the cestodes, nematodes and trematodes. To put an end to the need to establish a translation and a look at one of the three basic types of helminths. If the penetration of the worms into the intestinal region, did not happen, then they can be bought in the pharmacy the medicine against the parasites in the human body.


Roundworms can be etched out of the body with the help of special pills of the nematodes. The active substance of the medicine does not eliminate the larvae and eggs, and the remedy is only for adults. Based on this, the doctor will prescribe 2-3 weeks of re-treatment period. Up to 5 hours after the drug given to the patient is an enema with potassium permanganate, which may be replaced by a laxative of sulphate of magnesium, or herbs (rhubarb, or Hay).

To get rid of helminthes, the specialist may prescribe oxygen therapy is a treatment that involves the injection of oxygen into the gut, which is defined by the area in a natural way. The women who found the pinworms, it is necessary to deal with them, because you can get into the vagina and cause a nasty disease.


Flat worms, or flukes include various types of. To distinguish the 2 forms of parasitism from trematodes: acute and chronic. The patient does not leave the unpleasant symptoms which manifested as a skin rash, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal upset, and mild fever. When combined with an infection of this type of helminths to a specialist to detect a bacterial infection, it is assigned a comprehensive treatment that includes a cleansing of the body, and taking a course of antibiotics. What is the tablet of the parasites, which are the most effective?


Such a group of parasites, such as tapeworms are a tapeworm, cattle, pigs, or dwarf tapeworm. Some of the types of data you have does not respond to the first drug, and, of course, and they are resistant to the pills of the cestode. In most cases, in order to kill the parasites lacking a single dose of the drug, but if necessary, your doctor will prescribe a second course. The dose is to be calculated on the basis of the body weight of the patient to prevent an overdose.

If you have a bot to get rid of a mouth can help to the surgery. The parasite is also, if it is localized under the skin, and medications that do not produce the desired results. Of the full cleaning of the body of cestodes is likely that there is a way out of the head and neck of the helminth (the scolex). If you don't, then the tape worm re-growing.

The droplets of parasites in humans

Has shown to fall out of the parasites, the people who have fewer adverse side effects and do not have such a devastating effect on the body than the tablets against worms, the medicine components do not appear in the fully absorbed by the organs. The active substance contained in the droplets to completely go along with feces and urine. Thanks to the gentle manner in order to neutralize parasites, medications, drops have shown, that children, and people with chronic medical conditions.

Chelators for purification

A group of drugs that possess the ability to form relationships, and to be disposed of by means of adsorption or absorption of endogenous and exogenous substances, the so-called "chelators". All of the related components, without negative impact on the health, excreted in the faeces. Colon cleansing of parasites occurs with the help of enterosorbents. There are a lot of names of drugs, in order to understand, which is, in effect, only a health care provider. On the basis of molecular size and sorption capacity of an expert can be appointed by one of the effective drugs.

enzymes against parasites


Substitutive enzymatic therapy is urgently required by an infectious disease specialist after the patient is freed from the parasites. For the rehabilitation of the intestinal flora needed of urgent: toxic decomposition products of the vital activity of pathogenic micro-organisms and is a powerful drug, and should not be able to be displayed on the delicate and fragile walls of the stomach. To speed up the stabilization process, the improvement of the digestive functions, and absorption of nutrients for the following enzymes for the recovery of the intestine.

Vitamin therapy

After a successful course of action for the elimination of the parasitic worms, it is desirable to saturate the body with lost nutrients, what is a good to help of vitamin therapy. When vitamin a deficiency reduces the body's ability to resist re-infection and to recover after the previous one. Vitamins are essential for the synthesis of new cells, activation of the generation of energy within the cells and improve the metabolism. Each of the efforts have focused on strengthening the body's immune system is undermined by helminthic infection. This will help you in these vitamins:

  • retinol a (A, A);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • Riboflavin (B2);
  • ascorbic acid (C).
  • nicotinic acid (PP).